Mars Helicopter Ingenuity Runs Into Communications Trouble | #388

Mars Helicopter Ingenuity Runs Into Communications Trouble | #388

Hey friends! We wanted to chat about the fascinating new discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope. Buckle up, because this ancient, monstrous black hole is committing "galacticide" by destroying its entire galaxy! 😲 We'll also cover a recent asteroid impact here on Earth - yep, it happened! Why are we still here to talk about it? As Fred explains, this one was far smaller than the dinosaur-killing asteroid. Plus, NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter ran into some communications troubles during a recent flight. I'll give you the inside scoop on all these stories and more space news. We've also got some great audience questions, a bit of cosmic homework to wrap our heads around, and special guest Fred Watson, Astronomer-at-Large, joins me to break it all down. So get comfy and let's launch into another fun episode! What surprises might today bring across the universe? 🚀
In this episode, you will be able to:
• Explore the Universe's Rotation and Exploration: Uncover the mysteries of the universe's rotation and delve into the latest space exploration discoveries.
• Unravel the Temperature of Space and James Webb Telescope: Understand the extreme temperatures of space and the groundbreaking capabilities of the James Webb telescope.
• Discover Curiosities About Galaxies and the Expanding Universe: Delve into the fascinating world of galaxies and gain insights into the expanding universe, sparking your curiosity about the cosmos.
• Engage with Listener Questions and Interactions: Engage with our community as we answer intriguing listener questions and foster a deeper understanding of space exploration.
The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:00 -
Introduction and Oldest Black Hole Discovery
00:02:52 -
James Webb Space Telescope's Discovery
00:11:32 -
Asteroid Impact on Earth
00:16:33 -
Astronomer Christian Sarnesky's Discoveries
00:12:23 -
Summary and Conclusion
00:17:02 -
Meteorite Recovery and Asteroid Monitoring
00:19:42 -
Mars Copter's Communication Issues
00:23:48 -
Ingenuity's Success and Challenges
00:25:41 -
Equation of State and Cosmological Constant
00:30:25 -
Does the Universe Rotate?
00:35:04 -
Rotation of the Universe
00:36:27 -
Hypothetical Telescope
00:41:41 -
Temperature of Space
00:45:19 -
Listener Feedback
The resources mentioned in this episode are:
• Visit the Space Nuts podcast website to listen to more episodes and submit your own questions or comments.
• Check out the James Webb Space Telescope's latest updates and discoveries on the NASA website.
• Explore the concept of the equation of state and its implications in cosmology through reputable scientific sources and publications.
• Learn more about the temperature of space and the cosmic microwave background radiation from reliable scientific sources and educational materials.
• Stay updated on the latest space news and discoveries by subscribing to the Space Nuts podcast on your preferred podcast platform.
All things astronomy and space. Learn something new with world reknown Astronomer At Large, Professor Fred Watson and Sci-Fi author and Broadcaster Andrew Dunkley.