#363: Discovering the Cosmos: Celebrating Voyager Two's Epic Exploration | Space News Podcast

#363: Discovering the Cosmos: Celebrating Voyager Two's Epic Exploration | Space News Podcast

Unlocking the cosmic unknown: Journey alongside Voyager Two as it unravels the enigmatic wonders of the final frontier.
In this episode, you will be able to:
• Dive into the captivating world of space exploration, focusing on the wonders of the Voyager Two mission.
• Unearth the mysteries of the cosmos through the lens of the Euclid telescope.
• Discover the cutting-edge technology redefining our ability to detect and monitor asteroids.
• Investigate the intriguing connections between the age of the universe, satellites, and subsurface oceans on moons.
• Grapple with the perplexing implications of the Uncertainty Principle in the realm of physics.
The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:00 -
00:03:00 -
Voyager Two Mishap,
00:07:06 -
Remarkable Voyager Two,
00:10:02 -
Conclusion and Future Communications,
00:11:17 -
Closing Remarks,
00:15:37 -
00:16:23 -
Testing an Algorithm,
00:18:27 -
Transient Phenomena,

00:20:00 -
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids,
00:22:11 -
The Ruben Telescope,
00:32:23 -
How Satellites Move and Cover Distance,
00:35:06 -
The Age of the Universe,
00:38:27 -
Saltwater Oceans on Enceladus and Europa,
00:39:01 -
Origins of Salt in Oceans,
00:49:21 -
The Uncertainty Principle,
00:49:35 -
Curveballs and Questions,
00:49:48 -
Keep the Questions Coming,
00:50:09 -
Increased Website Traffic,
00:50:37 -
Farewell and Thanks,

The resources mentioned in this episode are:
• Check out the latest news on Voyager Two's snafu and potential rescue efforts.
• Learn more about the Tidbinbilla Deep Space Network in Canberra and its role in communicating with Voyager Two.
• Stay updated on the progress of Voyager Two's antenna realignment in October.
• Explore the Euclid telescope and its mission to study dark matter and dark energy.
• Discover the stunning images captured by Euclid and get a glimpse of the universe in visible light.
• Keep an eye out for future updates on Euclid's discoveries and findings.
• Learn about the algorithm being tested to detect potentially hazardous asteroids and near Earth objects.
• Stay informed about the upcoming commissioning of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and its potential for discovering transient phenomena, including asteroids.
• Follow the progress of the algorithm's testing and its effectiveness in identifying asteroids.
• Watch the video tutorial on how to use the algorithm and contribute to the search for potentially hazardous asteroids.
Connect with me here:
• www.spacenuts.io
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